How to volunteer

Volunteers help the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources keep track of frog and toad populations and the health of the wetlands they inhabit. If you want to volunteer for the frog and toad survey, here’s how.

Would you like to get outdoors, help do some important biological research and hear some pretty interesting croaking?


The Minnesota Frog and Toad Calling Survey recruits volunteers every winter and spring to run routes starting in April or May. Volunteers from outside the metro area are especially needed.


Volunteers are assigned open routes on a first-come, first-serve basis.


As a survey volunteer, you will be asked to run the same route three times, once early in spring, once in late spring and again later in the summer. Each route consists of 10 listening stops, and all are accessible by road.


For more information and a map of available routes, visit the survey home page on the Minnesota DNR website:, or call/email Krista Larson, program coordinator, at or 651-259-5120.