
Star Tribune editorializes on nitrogen pollution

July 12, 2013

The Star Tribune, in a July 12 editorial, praises what it calls a “painfully honest” appraisal by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency of our state’s nitrogen pollution problem. The report, … Read more

New USGS report on streams

July 12, 2013

A new U.S. Geological Survey report on the water quality of rivers and streams across the country describes damage caused by reductions in flows and increased pollution from fertilizers and … Read more

Cover crops work, users say

July 11, 2013

Cover crops – typically grasses sowed into corn and soybean fields after the fall harvest – could reduce nitrogen losses to Minnesota streams and rivers by 10 percent if the … Read more

Major report documents extent of Minnesota nitrate pollution

June 26, 2013

Nitrate  – much of it from fertilizers applied to farmland – pollutes many Minnesota rivers and streams and contributes to the oxygen-depleted “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico, a … Read more

Court rules in wetlands case

June 26, 2013

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled unconstitutional a Florida conservation district’s demand that a landowner  take substantial steps to mitigate the loss of wetlands the owner planned to develop. The … Read more

L.A. plans huge groundwater clean-up

June 25, 2013

The Los Angeles water utility plans to spend $600 million to $800 million to clean up groundwater contaminated by industrial pollution in the San Fernando Basin, a federal Superfund site. … Read more

Nutrient credits eyed in Pa.

June 20, 2013

Read an interesting article from Pennsylvania about a proposal for the state to sponsor long-term, large-scale nutrient-credit trading to help clean up Chesapeake Bay. The article is from Lancaster-ONLINE, published … Read more

Phoenix curbs water use

June 18, 2013

Arid Phoenix leads the way on some water conservation measures, says a New York Times article published this week. Read about what the city is doing, and not doing, to … Read more

Freshwater Society in the news

June 12, 2013

Read a Star Tribune article on Master Water Stewards, the partnership between the Freshwater Society and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District. The program, supported by a Clean Water Fund grant,  … Read more

Clean Water Accountability Act

June 10, 2013

The Minnesota Legislature this year enacted a package of law changes directing the Pollution Control Agency and the Board of Water and Soil Resources to be more specific and targeted … Read more