
Symposium set on biocontrol of invasives

May 6, 2010

Since the beginning of the year, Asian carp have been making headlines across the country, as efforts to halt their invasion of the Great Lakes watersheds have spurred a Supreme … Read more

Gulf oil spill; drinking water standards

May 3, 2010

Each week, the Freshwater Society publishes a digest of important regional, national and international articles on water and the environment. Scan the articles here, then follow the links to read … Read more

Phosphorus, wind farms and 'Kentucky tuna'

April 26, 2010

Each week, the Freshwater Society publishes a digest of important regional, national and international articles on water and the environment. Scan the articles here, then follow the links to read … Read more

Earth Day turns 40 this year

April 20, 2010

Each week, the Freshwater Society publishes a digest of important regional, national and international articles on water and the environment. Scan the articles here, then follow the links to read … Read more

43 world nations face 'water stress'

April 12, 2010

Each week, the Freshwater Society publishes a digest of important regional, national and international articles on water and the environment. Scan the articles here, then follow the links to read … Read more

Report criticizes ag pollution regulation

April 5, 2010

Each week, the Freshwater Society posts a digest of important regional, national and international articles and research on water and the environment. Scan the articles here, then follow the links … Read more

UN: Pollution is leading cause of death

March 29, 2010

Each Week the Freshwater Society publishes a digest of important regional , national and international articles about water and the environment. Scan the articles here, then follow the links to … Read more

Poll: U.S. enviromental concerns decline

March 22, 2010

Environmental concern declines, poll shows Americans are now less worried about several environmental problems than at any time in the past 20 years, partly because they believe conditions are improving, according … Read more

Tell the EPA what you think on protecting water

March 18, 2010

What is the EPA doing wrong? What’s it doing right? And how could the federal agency do a better job of protecting and cleaning up the country’s waters? Here is … Read more

'Dead zones' expand; ag-water conference set

March 15, 2010

Each week, the Freshwater Society posts a digest of important regiona, national and international articles about water and the environment. Scan the articles here, then follow the links to read … Read more