
UM StreamLab mimics natural processes

April 3, 2009

(This article was published in the March, 2009, Facets of Freshwater, the Freshwater Society’s newsletter. Read it here, or go to This summer, there are going to be some … Read more

Pollution concerns, frog calls and smuggled dish soap

March 30, 2009

Every week, the Freshwater Society posts a digest of regional, national and international news articles and research reports on water and the environment. Go to the Freshwater web site to … Read more

USGS study find contaminants in private wells

March 27, 2009

More than one in every five private domestic wells sampled nationwide contain at least one contaminant at levels of potential health concern, according to a new study by the U.S. … Read more

Volunteers monitor Minnesota's waters

March 26, 2009

(This  article was published in the March, 2009, Facets of Freshwater, the Freshwater Society’s newsletter. The newsletter is available at Last year, on about 1,500 lakes across Minnesota, volunteers leaned … Read more

MPCA proposes water-quality standards

March 25, 2009

Every three years, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requires states to review, update and — in many cases — strengthen their water-quality standards. Minnesota is in the middle of one … Read more

'Water wars,' bottled water and robo-carp

March 23, 2009

Every week, the Freshwater Society posts a digest of regional, national and international news articles and research reports on water and the environment. Go to the Freshwater web site to … Read more

World water supply, invasive weeds and PFCs

March 16, 2009

Every week, the Freshwater Society posts a digest of regional, national and international news articles and research reports on water and the environment. Go to the Freshwater web site to … Read more

Phenology, tap water ads and lynx

March 9, 2009

Every week, the Freshwater Society posts a digest of regional, national and international news articles and research reports on water and the environment. Go to the Freshwater web site to … Read more

Chicago promises water conservation

March 5, 2009

John Oldfield, who blogs at BloggingOnWater, has an interesting piece on Chicago’s Olympics bid and the city’s promise to make water conservation part of the international sports competition. The bid … Read more

Freshwater on YouTube

March 2, 2009

The Freshwater Society, in addition to our homepage (, has a YouTube channel, and we’ve just uploaded another video, “Water is Life,” a seven minute discussion of both ground and … Read more