Community leadership for clean water
Learn about our new statewide adaptation!
Program overview
Since Freshwater developed the Minnesota Water Stewards program in 2013, nearly 500 Stewards have been certified and are volunteering their time for watershed districts, cities, counties, and environmental groups; participating on city and local government boards; influencing policy; and improving the health of our waters. To date, they have:
- Connected with thousands of people through outreach and educational events.
- Installed or planned hundreds of projects, including raingardens, rain barrels, cisterns, dry creek beds, permeable driveways, prairie restorations, home water audits, school gardens, library education programs, and more.
- Created art that informs, educates, and inspires others to take action for water
- Prevented millions gallons of polluted stormwater runoff from entering our lakes, rivers, and streams each year!
Background on name change
We are Minnesota Water Stewards. We changed our name several years ago from Master Water Stewards based on feedback from partners and program participants in an effort to align with our anti-racist values. We are committed to maintaining a high level of training for all Stewards. However, we are replacing the word “master” because of its deep, damaging connection to slavery in this country and the oppression of People of Color and Black and Indigenous communities. Adding “Minnesota” reflects our commitment to including ALL people of Minnesota in caring for water. Water is the root of the word “Minnesota” (mní is Dakota for water) and an important part of our state identity.
For more information:
Read about our new statewide adaptation.
Or contact:
Alex Van Loh