Two good reads

Sometimes we all get too busy to do all the reading we should. Here are a couple of pieces of important and thoughtful writing you may have missed:

  •  An interview with John Foley by Ron Meador, environmental writer for MinnPost. Foley, the director of the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment won the prestigious Heinz award for work he and 20 colleagues did in researching and writing about five ways ways the world’s people and policy-makers can feed a population, projected to reach 9 billion by mid-century, and still protect the environment. Their work, published in Nature in October 2011, called for halting agricultural expansion, closing “yield gaps” on underperforming lands, increasing cropping efficiency, shifting diets and reducing waste. 

Read Meador’s interview with Foley. Read the Nature article, titled “Solutions for a cultivated planet.”

  • The Los Angeles Times recently published a fine article on California’s drought, the fact that the region has suffered such droughts in the past, and calls for residents and policy-makers to come to terms with too much demand for water chasing a too little supply.

Read the Feb. 23 article.