Louis Guillette lecture is tonight

Are chemical contaminants in the foods we eat, in the products we put into and on our bodies and in our lakes and rivers causing birth defects in humans?

Louis J. Gillette Jr.

Louis J. Guillette Jr., an internationally recognized reproductive biologist who has spent 25 years

For a preview, tune in
to an interview with
Guillette on MPR’s
Midmorning show
at 10 a.m., Tuesday,
Sept. 14.

studying sexually stunted alligators and other wildlife from polluted waters in Florida and around the world, says a growing body of research shows those chemicals – including trace amounts often found in lakes and rivers — do cause birth defects, both in animals and humans.

On Sept. 14, Guillette, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Medical University of South Carolina, will deliver the third in a series of lectures sponsored by the Freshwater Society and the University of Minnesota’s College of Biological Sciences.

Guillette’s lecture, aimed at a general audience, will be titled: Contaminants, Water and Our Health: New Lessons from Wildlife.

A panel of Minnesota experts on environmental contaminants will appear with Guillette.

The lecture will be at 7 p.m. in the theater of the St. Paul Student Center on the University of Minnesota’s campus.  The lecture, funded by an endowment honoring former university president Malcolm Moos, is free and open to the public. But seating is limited, and registration is required. To register, click here.  

To read an interview with Guillette from the September Freshwater newsletter, click here. And for a map of the St. Paul campus, click here.

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