Plan now for 2010 Water is Life art contest

The Freshwater Society invites high school artists to compete for scholarships in its sixth annual Water is Life art contest. In the contest,  co-sponsored by the Society and seven Minnesota Service Cooperatives, students create works of art that illustrate the value of water and the threats that water resources face today.

Winning entries from this year are on display, through Oct. 31, in the 8400 Building — next to Kincaid’s restaurant — in the Normandale Office Park, 8400 Normandale Lake Blvd., Bloomington. From Nov. 1 through Dec. 31, the entries will be displayed in the offices of Emmons and Olivier Resources, 651 Hale Ave., N., Oakdale.

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Kids have fun, learn about water

More than 1,200 children learned where rain water goes after it runs into storm drains, analyzed samples from different bodies of water to determine where the water originated and learned ways to keep trash from polluting the water .

The youngsters – fifth-grade students from 20 metro-area schools – took part in the 12th annual Metro Children’s Water Festival last week.

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Earth Day celebrates 40th anniversary

Today — April 22 — is the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, the call to consciousness that started the environmental movement in the United States. Check out a new web site,, that will compile success stories of citizens’ efforts to protect the environment. And read a Wall Street Journal column by William Ruckelshaus, the first administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, about envrironmental successes and the pollution challenges we still face.

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Freshwater partners with MEI on Clean Water Legacy forum

The Minnesota Environmental Initiative, a statewide environmental non-profit organization will present a policy forum, Clean Water Legacy: Progress and Challenges in Protecting, Restoring and Preserving the Quality of Minnesota’s Waters on Tuesday, Oct. 20, at the Gray Freshwater Center.

Speakers will discuss Minnesota’s Clean Water Legacy Act, current protection and restoration efforts and challenges to improving the quality of Minnesota’s waters. Speakers include: Steve Morse of the Minnesota Environmental Partnership; Dean Maraldo of the U.S.

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