
May 8 premiere set for video on White Bear Lake's decline

May 7, 2014

A documentary video on the big decline in White Bear Lake’s water level will get its first public airing at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 8. The video – “Where is … Read more

Metro area is overusing groundwater, planner warns

April 22, 2014

“We can’t preserve our lakes, wetlands, rivers, and streams if we continue to take water out of the ground at the increasing rate that we are. It’s that simple…The notion … Read more

Nitrate pollution still rising

April 17, 2014

Last week, U.S. Geological Survey scientists provided an update on 30 years of water quality tests that show a continuing increase in nitrate pollution at many points on the Mississippi … Read more

Asian lecture set April 21 at University of Minnesota

April 14, 2014

Asian carp, feared and despised as a threat to native fish and other aquatic life in the United States, are an important food source and are revered for their courage … Read more

MPR: Many irrigators lack required permits

April 7, 2014

Many Minnesota farmers using groundwater to irrigate their crops have failed to apply for and receive permits that state law requires for high-capacity pumping, Minnesota Public Radio reported on Monday, … Read more

Organic matter key to soil health

April 4, 2014

The Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources has just published a new, and interesting, fact sheet on soil health and the water-retaining capacity of organic matter in the soil. … Read more

MPCA seeks comment on sediment strategy

March 19, 2014

In a year with average rainfall, about 1 million tons of sediment – soil and organic matter such as algae and leaf fragments — floats down the Minnesota River. All … Read more

Two good reads

March 5, 2014

Sometimes we all get too busy to do all the reading we should. Here are a couple of pieces of important and thoughtful writing you may have missed:  An interview … Read more

DNR seeks groundwater changes

February 13, 2014

In a new report to the Legislature, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources spells out – in more explicit language than before – shortcomings in the way it permits and … Read more

MPR reports on water pricing

February 12, 2014

Minnesota Public Radio is in the midst of a time-to-time series of reports on groundwater sustainability in Minnesota. Check out the coverage on the station’s web site. The latest report … Read more