Freshwater Blog: MN Board of Water and Soil Resources vacancies

The MN Board of Water and Soil Resources has multiple vacancies coming up. They are looking for people from the following backgrounds with an interest in soil and water issues: One Watershed District Representative, one Non‐Metro Elected City Official Representative, one County Commissioner Representative, and one Citizen Member.BWSRlogo-trans

Appointments are made by the Governor’s office. Application forms are available and must be submitted by November 25, 2014, to be assured of full consideration—they can be submitted after this date and still be in the running. Here are the links to the Secretary of State’s website:

Online Application
Open Appointments Application (Word)

I used to work at his place and can tell you this is a hardworking board that matters. They bring a wide and practical range of perspectives from around the state to their deliberations on how policy is formed and funds are distributed.

Steve Woods  11-12-14