
How hot is it? The hottest in 4,000 years

March 8, 2013

New research, published in the Journal Science, concludes that global temperatures are higher now than they have been in 4,000 years. The New York Times, in a report on the … Read more

Iowa farmers' attitudes on conservation compliance

March 7, 2013

Read a scholarly paper on Iowa farmers’ attitudes toward requiring compliance with conservation practices that protect soil and water. The article, published in the Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, … Read more

The environment in the news

March 6, 2013

Take a look at the Star Tribune’s coverage this week of three environmental subjects:  An article by environmental reporter Josephine Marcotty looking at  two recent scholarly articles on agriculture and … Read more

A brief in support of conservation compliance

February 28, 2013

Conservation compliance – an effort to link federal subsidies for farmers’ crop insurance premiums to protection of wetlands and highly erodible land – is still a hot issue as Congress … Read more

Walz backs 'Sodsaver' crop insurance limit

February 20, 2013

U.S. Rep. Tim Walz of Minnesota has introduced a “Sodsaver” bill that would reduce the federal subsidy for crop insurance on land converted from native grasslands to row crops. The … Read more

No Raids, No Shifts, No Gimmicks

February 8, 2013

Conservation Minnesota, which has been publishing detailed analyses of state spending on conservation and the environment since 2002, has issued its latest report. It is an accounting of how the … Read more

Ikes set Summit on water Feb. 23

February 7, 2013

This year’s Summit, sponsored by the Minnesota Division of the Izaak Walton League, will be Saturday, Feb. 23, at Normandale Community College in Bloomington. The theme is Watershed-Water Management Solutions: … Read more

A moderating view on global temperature rise

February 7, 2013

So…are some reputable scientists starting to say that climate change is real, it’s human caused and its consequences will be severe, but that the global temperature increase from accumulating greenhouse … Read more

Minnesota moose herd down by a third

February 7, 2013

Minnesota’s slumping moose population has fallen further, and the Department of Natural Resources responded by suspending next fall’s moose hunting season. The moose population in Northeastern Minnesota dropped 35 percent … Read more

PFOS levels decline in the Mississippi

January 29, 2013

Levels of a chemical once manufactured by the 3M company — perfluorooctane sulfate, or PFOS — are declining in the Mississippi River fish below the Twin Cities, but the levels … Read more