
Widespread pollution, intersex and kudzu

September 14, 2009

Each week, the Freshwater Society posts a digest of some of the best regional, national and international articles and research on water and the environment. Scan the articles here, then … Read more

Michael Osterholm to speak on groundwater

September 11, 2009

Michael Osterholm, a professor of environmental health sciences at the University of Minnesota and an international expert on infectious diseases, will speak Oct. 8 in a forum on groundwater quality … Read more

Climate change, tar sands and invasives

September 7, 2009

Each week, the Freshwater Society posts a digest of some of the best regional, national and international articles and research on water and the environment. Scan the articles here, then … Read more

Asian water crisis, invasives and a carp-algae link

August 31, 2009

Each week, the Freshwater Society posts a digest of some of the best regional, national and international articles and research on water and the environment. Scan the articles here, then … Read more

Atrazine, mercury and top water issues

August 24, 2009

Each week, the Freshwater Society publishes a digest of regional, national and international articles and research about water and the environment. Scan the articles here, then follow the links to … Read more

Climate change, neutrinos and river otters

August 17, 2009

Climate change challenges U.S. security The changing global climate will pose profound strategic challenges to the United States in coming decades, raising the prospect of military intervention to deal with … Read more

Drainage, percholate and climate change

August 10, 2009

Each week, the Freshwater Society publishes a digest of regional, national and international articles and research about water and the environment. Scan the articles here, then follow the links to … Read more

Threatened fish, buffer strips and zebra mussels

August 3, 2009

Every week, the Freshwater Society publishes a digest of some of the best regional, national and international articles about water and the environment. Scan the articles here, then follow the … Read more

Conservation and sustainability

July 27, 2009

Every week, the Freshwater Society posts a digest of some of the best regional, national and international articles and research abut water and the environment. Scan the entries here, then … Read more

Great Lakes levels rise; bubbles deter carp

July 21, 2009

Great Lakes levels rebound Great Lakes water levels are rebounding after a decade-long slump that hammered the maritime industry and even fed conspiracy theories about plots to drain the inland … Read more