Upload Photos

Weatherguide photo submissions are open through January 12, 2025.

  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, Max. file size: 36 MB.

    Be sure to have renamed your files with the correct naming convention, to include month, initials, location, and short title of photo. Maximum file size of 36 MB. Files will be selected and uploaded individually, to allow for these high-resolution uploads.

  • Filename examples:
    Feb_jcp_Melting Icicles_Minneapolis_mn
    Jul_jcp_Belted Kingfisher Diving_Hudson_wi

  • Enter a brief description of this photo, above. This is not the place for file name.

  • When you click on Submit below, your browser will take a moment or two to upload the large photo file to our network. Be sure to wait for a confirmation message before leaving this page.

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