Freshwater takes part in 'Waterosity'

The Freshwater Society gave away fact sheets on water sustainability, demonstrated the way groundwater travels within aquifers and answered scores of questions from visitors to a Freshwater table at a two-day special celebration of water hosted by the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.

waterosity-7-11-09Members of the Freshwater staff and Paul Oberg from the Jeffers Foundation also gave teachers copies of the Calendars in the Classroom curriculum that Jeffers developed. The curriculum helps teachers use the Minnesota Weatherguide Environment calendar to teach their students science and other subjects.

Freshwater staffer Patrick Sweeney, right, helps a young visitor to “Waterosity” pump water from a well in a groundwater model.

The two-day water celebration, July 11 and 12, was part of a summerlong “Waterosity” exhibit at the Arboretum that includes demonstrations and art installations depicting the importance of water and water conservation, plus the threats that water resources face.

For the two-day event, the Freshwater Society donated rain gauges to help homeowners limit their lawn sprinkling. Society staff members also demonstrated how groundwater flows within aquifers and both feeds, and is fed by, lakes and wetlands.

The exhibit runs through Oct. 4.

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