Introducing our 2024 State of Water report

by Michelle Stockness, Freshwater Executive Director

Freshwater executive directors
Freshwater Executive Director Michelle Stockness (center) with former Executive Directors Steve Woods (left) and John Linc Stine.

Over the past year, I’ve had the immense privilege of leading Freshwater Society as the new Executive Director. Since starting in this role last June, I’ve been meeting with partners across the state to hear their water stories, what is working well, what they are worried about, and how Freshwater can help.

We are so fortunate to live in a water-abundant state where water is the focal point of our everyday character, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have challenges. This State of Water report is the first of which we will provide annually each spring, giving an overview of the challenges and opportunities for water in Minnesota.

Freshwater works across sectors, and our theory of change is to identify gaps in what is not being done and promote well-rounded, cross-sector solutions based on science and collaborative relationships. With this report, we invite you to consider your water story, how you can help water in your neighborhood and region and inspire others to value and preserve the waters of Minnesota.

Thank you for working with us, and we welcome your input and feedback anytime.



Michelle Stockness
Executive Director, Freshwater

View our 2024 State of Water.