Water Conservation & Reuse

  WaterSense US Environmental Protection Agency WaterSense helps consumers identify water-efficient products and programs that meet WaterSense water efficiency and performance criteria. Products carrying the WaterSense label perform well, help … Read more

Drinking Water & Wells

  Drinking WaterWells Safe Drinking Water in MinnesotaA Summary of Drinking Water Protection Activities in Minnesota for 2009Minnesota Department of HealthIssued May 2010 This summary report focuses on the drinking … Read more

Water Resources

  Water Resources of MinnesotaUS Geological Survey Minnesota Water Science Center This website provides water resource information collected and interpreted by the U.S. Geological Survey in Minnesota.http://mn.water.usgs.gov/ Sea Grant Files … Read more


  Watershed Central US Environmental Protection Agency Watershed Central has been designed to assist users to develop and implement effective watershed management programs. The site includes guidance, tools, case studies, … Read more

Septic Systems & Water Quality

  Onsite Sewage Treatment Program University of Minnesota Extension The Onsite Sewage Treatment Program protects both public health and the environment through training and certification, consulting and professional development opportunities … Read more


  Clean Water for your Home and YardMinnehaha Creek Watershed District How can you help to protect and improve water quality? Even if you don’t live on or near a … Read more

Dec. 16 class set on snow removal

A class on reducing the environmental impact – chloride pollution – of removing snow and de-icing parking lots and sidewalks will be sponsored by the Freshwater Society on Dec. 16 at the Gray Freshwater Center, 2500 Shadywood Road, Excelsior, MN.

Staff from Fortin Consulting and Kathy Schaefer from the Minnesota Department of Transportation will conduct the 4.5-hour class.  The target audience is private maintenance companies, property manager and winter maintenance employees of hospitals, colleges and city parks.

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Signature Projects

As part of the Year of Water, we will feature bi-monthly themes focused on water issues. The key features of the initiative are: Speaker Series We are sponsoring an engaging … Read more