2010 art contest winners announced


Six students from five high schools across Minnesota won $500 scholarships on May 5 in the Freshwater Society’s 6th annual Water is Life art contest.


Winners, from left: Brandon Cole, Ally Ede, Hannah
Ehli, Shelby Heintz, Christine Hofschulte. Not present
for photo: Rachel Lash.

The winners were chosen from 32 finalists, who had emerged from a field of more than 250 artists from more than 80 schools. Each entry was accompanied by a statement about how the artist’s work represented the value of water or the threats that water faces in today’s world.

The winners’ works will be displayed over the next year in a number of venues,  including the Minnesota state Capitol.

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Hedrick Smith calls for activists to engage neighbors

“Don’t walk out of here tonight and say ‘That was an interesting lecture,'” documentary film producer Hedrick Smith told a crowd of environmentalists on April 27 in St. Paul.

Instead, Smith urged his audience to “enlarge our perimeter, increase the size of our congregation” and convince friends and neighbors that America’s lakes and rivers still face significant pollution threats and that political pressure can get something done about the pollution.

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Articles detail clean-up, 'Other Inconvenient Truth,' phenology

bags600Read about a Community Clean-up for Water Quality in White Bear Lake that collected 97 bags of leaves — organic debris that could have carried phosphorus into the lake and promoted the growth of unsightly and unhealthy algae. That is the lead article in the latest issue of “Facets of Freshwater,” the Freshwater Society’s newsletter. To download a PDF, click here. To read individual articles, click on the links below.

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